three words: over...the...rhine
and a few more words:
I saw Over the Rhine play last night at Eddie's Attic and it was astounding. You simply must check them out. Amazing voices, jazz arrangements and solos, smoky and subtle and so freaking good! Not to mention (though I am mentioning) I witnessed the most amazing drum solo I've ever seen last night. To top it off, Rosie Thomas (of Sufjan Stevens fame) opened the show. I still can't wrap my head around her tiny, shrill talking voice and her warm, buttery singing voice. Is she faking it? I won't be the one to pass blame. People need their angle, shtick and so forth. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
To keep with the musical thematics, here is a great video of one of my favorites, Andrew Bird, in a Blues Cluesesque kids show:
Andrew Bird as Dr. Strings